Lovely article and good for you, very impressive for this January in London when our weather made walking so unpleasant. Losing the car must sting, though!
“What she lacks in teeth she makes up for with a keen interest in Tudor architecture” PROPERLY made me laugh 😆 and reminds me of something I would say about my daughter
Lovely article and good for you, very impressive for this January in London when our weather made walking so unpleasant. Losing the car must sting, though!
I love the stealth rebranding of accidental steps. Was it the amazing Moon Lane Books? You are a Catford dweller aren't you?
Yes! Excellent local knowledge
My sisters are on Carholme Road!
Ooh that’s very close! And deliciously close to Marchetti cafe too.
Yep, I’ve been known to get back out of bed and pace the room because I’ve just realised I’m on 9800 steps 😬
Ha, glad it’s not just me.
“What she lacks in teeth she makes up for with a keen interest in Tudor architecture” PROPERLY made me laugh 😆 and reminds me of something I would say about my daughter
Glad you enjoyed 🤪